Outdoor Paintball

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Do not hesitate to send us an email. We are an expert team and we are happy to help you.


Perfect activity for tough guys. We can take you to best paintball fields in Krakow so you can have a lot of fun while fighting with each other. Then paintball is right up your alley! You can rely on our well-trained staff and high standards of equipment, which means you’re getting the best experience.


  • 130 PLN per person (8 persons)
  • 120 PLN per person (9-11 persons)
  • 110 PLN per person (12-14 persons)
  • 100 PLN per person (15-19 persons)
  • Contact us (20 persons or more)


  • paintball guns, uniforms and masks
  • 200 bullets per person
  • transportation to the venue and back
  • professional instructors
  • professional paintball field with wooden-made bunkers, obstacles and forest area